Jul 27, 2012

Tip: Solving error "Could not load type" in Visual Studio

Sooo i have lost about half an hour on this ridiculous error. Hope you have googled this before you have lost it too! The solution is quite simple, click the link and find out!

Tip: Solving error "Could not load type" in Visual Studio


Apr 21, 2012

How to convert dd/mm/yy to YYYY-MM-DD datetime format in php

Here's an easy way to convert EU datetime format to ISO 8601 datetime format in php.

$dateInputFormat='d/m/y H:i:s';
$dateOutputFormat='Y-m-d H:i:s';

Hope it Helps!

Jan 23, 2012

Sorting an ObservableCollection using CollectionViewSource

I stumbled on a very nice howto explaining how to sort an ObservableCollection and show it in a ListBox!

check it out!


Hope it helps!